Dark Rift Ep.1 Resurrection
Deep in the Sagittarius Armory of the Milky Way Galaxy, Kolur "Kole" Sigurddson lands on the remote frozen moon moon to the gas giant Calashinna. A United Planetary Alliance abandoner, Kole has come to this hidden outpost to meet with the old friend and brother-in-arms Samuel Talbish. His friend, a previous U.P.A. Commander, now is a powerful contraband dealer and has helped. 
While reminiscing with his old C.O., Kole learns of the mysterious disappearance of U.P.A. Spacecraft in what is known as the Dark Rift of the galaxy. Not interested in risking a chance with a military force he abandoned, Kole sets out on a path leading him towards the constellation Centaurus, far from where most U.P.A. Ships tread, but soon encounters a spacecraft that will change his destiny forever.