The Story Of The Survival Of John Smith
John Smith had reach everything. Power, money, women ... but he fucked up! 
After he fell in disgrace with his Mafia family, a killer was set for him. Ironically, it was his good old friend Pierce. So he anticipated him and killed his friend. Too bad that Pierce was an undercover FBI Agent and only his friend in the present situation. Now he was not only on the run from the Mafia, but also the FBI. 
But his old bosses knew how to get him: his weakness was his own family, his wife and daughter. It comes as it must, they were caught! His wife's set in concrete, his daughter's death. But that's not the end of the story, it's the beginning! 
How could he escape from the dark dungeon? 
Could he come to power again to take revenge? 
Can he save his daughter yet? 
Unfortunately, this all depends on your skills! Damn ...